"Criss, cross, criss-cross-crash, the winner is the one that doesn't get smashed!"
Will sang this song many times before I understood what he was saying. He loves this commercial. This Christmas will be especially fun for him. He keeps saying that he is so excited because this is going to be his first Christmas! Apparently, he really doesn't remember last year at all.:) Take a peek at his Christmas Wish List:
- legos
- a real machine gun..
- a real dragon
- a toy Harley the dog (to take with me everwhere) Funny since we have a real one of these!
- Toy Story I and II
- surprises
He didn't give us much to work with, so it's a good thing that he is four and will like probably everything! Little ones bring so much joy and fun to everything. We are looking forward to Christmas morning!
He is too cute!!!!! :) Love you guys!!!